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Think Smarter, Learn Faster, Remember Better With Neeuro and Smiling Star Brain Training Program

Oh, hallo fellas! welcome back to my blog! Oke I’ll tell you about my own experience with Neeuro and Smiling Star. As you know, I’ve got an experience about brain training. Yup, many thing we can doing to train our brain. One of which is exercising. Maybe we think that a little bit of reading and studying here and there is enough. But somehow that is not given to our brain’s.

But as we know if brain training is more important to our children. Cause that a moment is a golden age for the kids. Nah, as an education provider, Smiling Star has always believed that the foundations for children to develop cognitively, emotionally, and socially are of utmost importance.

How brain training helps your child to excel? Okay, studies have shown that children with better cognitive skills do well in school. They are critical for learning, reading, memorizing, focusing and problem solving. Just as physical exercise keeps our body in good shape, brain training lets us flex and strengthen our mental muscles.

First, as cognitive skills relate to child’s IQ, weak skills can impact a child’s learning efficiency or ability to perform daily tasks.

Second, Cognitive skills may also have a strong influence on a child’s future career success.

Thrid, The right form of brain training can enhance a child’s cognitive development.

Fourth, By training from as early as possible, the brain is able to better absorb and retain the skills learnt.

Hence, they have developed many curriculums and a brain training programme to help children achieve better results as they grow. Thus, Smiling Star and Neeuro Smiling Star organized the program of Brain Training with Vlogger and Blogger on Saturday, 30th March at Smiling Star Preschool, Pos Pengumben, no. 40 inside Permata Mediterania Housing (Not Elshaddai School).

“With Smiling Star Brain Training Programme, we want to give children new methods and opportunities to develop their cognitive skills; and thus, further expend their capacity to learn and excel in life, from as early an age possible,” said Dr. Alvin Chan, CEO of Neeuro.

Smiling Star brain training programme had launced and in that event, Mr. Veni Yenti as Smiling Star Jakarta Representative tell us about brain training program is important, cause the older our brain’s ability decreases.

“A good brain helps in having better attention span, working memory, and learning ability, as well as to perform better in creative insight task as they think better and clearer. Our partnership with Neeuro gives our children a head starts in their educational journey and prepare them for the 21st century and the future,” said Mr. Jimmy NEW PBM, Managing Directior of Smiling Star.

By the way, do you know about Neeuro and Smiling Star Brain Training Program?

Founded in 2013, Neeuro is a leading brain technology platform that focuses on  empowering people to live happier and healtier lives through neuro-technology and gamification. Developed in collaboration with national research institutes, Neeuro’s products and services focus on digital brain healt and education technology to help people of all ages to optimize their brain’s potential.

Neeuro currently serves over 5o countries and has also immented brain training programme and services in community centres and educational institutions, among others. Oh iya, Neeuro has won several awards, with one of the latest being champion for regional best practice in the World Summit Awards (SEA) 2016 under the United Nations framework.

Neeuro works globally with partners such as training providers, technology system integrations and schools to benefit children. Using modern solutions for cognitive skills such as attention and memory are emphasized and honed.

Smiling Star Brain Training Programme aims to improve every child’s academic success via better learning outcome. Thus, Smiling Star has been working closely with Neeuro to provide Smiling Star Brain Training Programme to preschools and schools in Singapore and Vietnam. And this year will be introducing Smiling Star Brain Training Programme to Indonesia through all the schools and kindergartens. Wow!

Oh iya, as a blogger, i am so lucky. Do you know what? Cause i get free trial voucher for SGD. 55 or more than Rp. 500,000. Oh wow! Not only me, cause all of my friends who the part of ‘Tau Dari Bloggers’, they get free vouchers too.

Nah, for more information on Smiling Star Brain Training Programme or Franchise opportunity, contact at;
Smiling Star International Pte Ltd
Singapore Adress: 3A Gambas Crescent Nordcon One Singapore 757089
Telephone: +6562571101

Indonesia Adress: APL Tower Lantai 7 Unit TJ Central Park, Jl. Letjen S. Parman, Kav. 28, Tanjung Duren Selatan, Grogol, Petamburan, Jakarta Barat 11470.
Telephone: +62 18 0759 1803


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